Release 20.08.07

Addresses Geo Coordinates

As requested by Avalara, the connector is updated to NOT send by default address geo coordinates: latitude and longitude in tax calculations.

This is due to the Streamlines Sales Tax (SST) functionalities implemented by Avalara, that require not including geo coordinates in regular tax calculations, and only request calculations using street level information.

Using geo coordinates is expected for product and services delivery at oil/gas wells, timber harvesting sites, new constructions, etc.

We are including a new setting at the Avatax add-on settings, to force sending geo coordinates in all transactions, that will be default to No.

Default behavior, Send geo coordinates in all transactions turned off, will:

  • If present, send the street level address information in the request: street, city, state, zip code and country
  • Do not include the geo coordinates.
  • If street level address is empty (street and zip code) and geo coordinates are present, then send the geo coordinates.

When Send geo coordinates in all transactions is turned on then:

  • Geo coordinates will be included in the address transaction request.

Adding Item Group Tax Code

A new UDF was added to Item Groups, to allow setting a global Avalara Tax Code for a group of items.

When sending the transaction, the connector will send the Item tax code if defined for the item. If empty, will check if the Item Group has a tax code defined, and will use it instead.

If no tax code is defined for the item or the item group, then the tax code is sent empty.


Adding Tax Date Override UDF

A new UDF was added to marketing documents U_ARGNS_TAXODAT. Avatax Override Date.

If the UDF has a value it will be send to Avalara as the override date, to calculate taxes based on that date.

Previously the UDF Tax Calculation Date was used for this purpose. Now this UDF will just record the calculation date.